Built-in Canon cameras for automatic patient positioning
Wide couch with lateral slide for patient comfort and operator safety
Table tray and roll holder for convenience and hygiene
80 cm wide aperture for increased patient safety and operator flexibility
Smart touch screen for easy operability
2D Scanogram
(0.27 mGy)
3D Landmark Scan
(0.2 mGy)
Read the CLEAR Motion white paper Read the CLEAR Motion case study
Read the SilverBeam white paper Read the case study on SilverBeam for MSK
*Courtesy of Dr. M Chen, NHLBI, National Institutes of Health, USA
**Courtesy of Dr. Bull, Bournemouth, UK
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The Aquilion ONE / INSIGHT Edition harnesses the temporal benefits of rapid kV switching with patient specific mA modulation and combines them with a Deep Learning Reconstruction that delivers excellent energy separation and low-noise properties.
Images can be delivered directly to your reading station, and with our range of new Vitrea™ applications, you can easily analyse comprehensive spectral data, including quantification and multi-layered images for a more detailed and definitive diagnosis.
Step-by-step quality assurance phantom scanning procedure and automatic analysis of CT number, Noise and MTF1* provide robust and reproducible results, regardless of the operator performing the procedure.
To minimise power consumption and reduce the carbon footprint, the hybrid drive converts energy during deceleration of the gantry, generating electricity which is recycled to power gantry components.
At just 19.38 m2*, Aquilion ONE / INSIGHT Edition is one of the smallest and most space-efficient CT systems in its class.
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