General Ultrasound Sonographer Symposium at Fiona Stanley Hospital

Presented by Canon Medical in collaboration with the ASA

Saturday, 17th February 2024
8:00 am to 3:00 pm (AWST)

FSH Lecture Theatre, Education Building,
Fiona Stanley Hospital, 11 Robin Warren Drive,
Murdoch WA 6150

Program Overview

This symposium combines both presentations by experts, and didactic scanning on a diverse range of general ultrasound topics:

  • Dr Daren Gibson (Fiona Stanley Hospital)
    • Head and neck anatomy with pathology correlation

  • Paula King (Royal Melbourne Hospital)
    • Bowel with a touch of appendix
    • Liver segments and lesions with CT correlation

  • Marilyn Zelesco (Fiona Stanley Hospital)
    • Sonography in acute non-gravid pelvic pain
    • Spleen the forgotten organ


Student/Trainee Sonographer Price:   $100.00
ASA Members:                                      $150.00
Non-ASA Members:                              $180.00

6 CPD points apply. Catering will be provided.

6 CPD Points apply.

Saturday, 17th February 2024
8:00 am to 3:00 pm (AWST)