CSR 2022 - Our Products

Examples of new products

In 2021, new and innovative partnerships, fruitful collaborations, cutting-edge products and inspiring initiatives were launched. Please see the examples below.

Research kicks off into Japan’s first photon counting computed tomography

National Cancer Center Japan and Canon Medical Systems Corporation began a collaborative research project using photon counting computed tomography (PCCT), a next-generation diagnostic imaging system. The goals of the collaboration include improving accuracy in the quantitative analysis of cancer chemotherapeutic agents in the human body and evaluating the malignancy of tumor tissues and more, with lower exposure doses as compared to conventional CT.

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Partnership to provide magnetic resonance elastography on MRI scanners

In 2021, we started a partnership with Resoundant Inc., a pioneer in magnetic resonance elastography (MRE). MRE is the only MRI technology that has been validated for staging liver fibrosis. It is currently available to clinicians at over 1,800 locations across the globe and hopes are high that it will become accessible anywhere in the world.

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About artificial intelligence and machine/deep learning

In 2021, Canon Medical Systems Corporation launched Altivity, an AI innovation brand that consolidates powerful deep learning and machine learning technologies and deploys them across MRI, PET/molecular imaging and CT to enhance clinical confidence, streamline workflows, and enable more informed, tailored healthcare.

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Vantage Fortian launched to accelerate workflows

Everyone recognizes that MRI scans generally take longer and require a more complex workflow than other modalities. So we focused on finding solutions that accelerate workflows and help patients wait less. Vantage Fortian is a new system launched in 2021 that reduces the time required for MRI procedures and incorporates both machine learning and deep learning technology.

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An integrated AI solution for accurate radiotherapy planning in MRI

An integrated solution from Canon Medical MRI systems and Spectronic Medical’s MRI Planner software enhances accuracy in radiotherapy planning. This integration marks another step in Canon Medical’s evolution to improve diagnostic accuracy and save the valuable time of physicians, staff and patients.

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Our products and services

Amid rapidly aging populations, rising healthcare costs and the growing threat of infections and zoonotic diseases, the demand for healthcare continues to increase rapidly and there is greater interest in promoting better health and preventing disease. Canon Medical Systems Corporation supplies healthcare professionals with a diverse range of products and services of high utility value across the fields of diagnostic imaging, healthcare IT and in vitro diagnostics. It also provides extensive education and training programs.

With our long history and related expertise, we also draw on various collaborative partnerships with universities and medical institutions in areas ranging from R&D and manufacturing to sales and customer service. For more information on our product range and initiatives see:

Best results for customers, patients and the environment

In 2021, we continued to add major and minor innovations to our product lines. The global COVID-pandemic did not affect our progress and efforts with institutions and teams worldwide. In fact, it sometimes spurred digital innovation due to increased use of online communication.
Takeshi Fukasawa, manager System Development Group Ultrasound Department
‘The pandemic affected the close contact we had with our customers, suppliers and of course our employees. It was a struggle not being able to travel or have direct communication with each other. Luckily, we found different, innovative ways to deal with this and improved our way of working together from a distance.

A good example is ApliGate, a technology that allows you to share clinical images while scanning without limitations.
Whether you work at a large university or local hospital, in a private practice or imaging center, or even outside the hospital, this remote image sharing tool lets you collaborate with subject matter experts and connect directly with colleagues or Canon specialists to seek for advice or share findings online. With ApliGate, ultrasound images can be viewed in real time on devices such as smartphones, tablets and personal computers at anytime, anywhere. This allows operators to communicate with physicians who are not physically present and help improve the quality and efficiency of examinations.’

Setting the highest standards

Providing the best products and services to our customers requires having the highest possible standards in our procurement phase. Our procurement policy demands that suppliers deliver high-quality products while also minimizing impact on society and the environment. For example, we encourage them to promote environmental protection activities and positively affect the environment.

We believe that cooperation is the way forward in realizing a transparent and sustainable supply chain. We therefore actively work together with our suppliers on CSR related topics.

For more information see our Supplier Code of Conduct, Green Procurement Standards and Conflict Mineral Policy in our Procurement Policy.

Supplier Code of Conduct Green Procurement Standards Conflict Mineral Policy in our Procurement Policy

Environmental awareness at different levels

Awareness of CSR is growing both within Canon Medical Systems Malaysia and among customers and suppliers. Sue Pong says she and her colleagues Siew Woon and Jacquelyn from Malaysia experience this every day. ‘Issues concerning social and environmental matters have become more important in Malaysia nowadays. In today’s society, CSR is no longer a nice option but a necessity.’

Earth Hour, an initiative from headquarters since 2018, was celebrated again in 2021. Sue Pong explains, ‘We are happy to participate in such events as they contribute to environmental awareness among our employees and show the importance of taking care of our planet. In addition to participating in events, we take structural action at our offices. We think about waste management and had a campaign on conscious water usage at the office. COVID pandemic or not, we acted and are proud of it.’
‘CSR is a topic that arises when we talk with our customers and suppliers. Today, customers are more aware of corporate responsibility through better education and the influence of the media. Customers tend to translate this to general green procurement requirements.
Green procurement is thus an area where we want to spend some time and energy in the coming years, together with headquarters and our colleagues worldwide.’

Siew Woon explains the link between CSR and sales. ‘We are convinced that conveying environmental aspects of our products and services through our sales channels will contribute to our continuity over time. We should consider people, prosperity and the planet, in addition to profits, to attract new employees and encourage them to stay longer. As a sales organization, we are always aware of the need to have a good reputation. Acting upon CSR is a big part of that.’

Example: commercialized container CT

The Container CT is equipped with a power generation system so it can operate as a medical facility isolated from hospitals for diagnosis of new coronavirus infection and for medical treatment in disaster areas. It is capable of operating for seven consecutive days on a full tank of fuel. The power generation system compartment has highly soundproof walls that help keep the CT examination room quiet. The container CT system is also designed with consideration for viruses, exhaust gas, other soundproofing and the surrounding environment.
Environmental inspiration:
Our subsidiary in the UK reduced its carbon footprint from ultrasound deliveries in 2021 an impressive 66%.


In 2021, Canon Medical Systems Corporation received two important awards – The Imperial Invention Prize and Invention Implementation Achievement Award – for the development of its ground-breaking data-reading method for wide-area CT detectors. Endowed by the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation (JIII), these awards are the most prestigious of their kind and are only granted in recognition of significant contributions to the fields of science, technology and industry.

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