News | Press Releases

November 30, 2020

Release of Mobile Medical Container CT Equipped with Measures to Prevent the Spread of Infectious Disease

Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Headquarters: Otawara, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; President: Toshio Takiguchi) and Sansei Corporation (Headquarters: Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan; President: Naoki Showa) are announcing the commercial release of a new medical container CT system equipped with measures to prevent the spread of infectious disease. This medical container, known as Medical Container - Cube (MC-Cube), will be released in January 2021.

MC-Cube is an all-in-one medical container that Canon Medical Systems and Sansei introduced in 2014. The container, which incorporates a CT scanner, all the required peripheral equipments, and a power generator, is designed for use as advanced medical equipment in the event of a disaster. This system has already proven to be very effective at a variety of accident and disaster sites.

When performing CT examinations during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to take special measures to avoid contact with persons who are infected or suspected to be infected with the novel coronavirus. For example, disinfection must be performed before and after each examination or an additional CT room outside the hospital must be used. This which has greatly increased the burden on medical institutions. If a new examination room equipped infection prevention measures must be constructed, the burden will further be increased, in terms of both cost and time.

To address these issues, Canon Medical Systems and Sansei have been committed to developing a new mobile medical container CT system, equipped with measures to prevent the spread of infectious disease. These measures include the installation of an air conditioning system that disinfects the air using special filters with negative/positive pressure control and the use of glass walls that can be disinfected with alcohol, thus reducing the risk of infection for both operators and patients. The companies plan to introduce the medical container CT system at Japanese regional alliance hospitals and local governments for the diagnosis of COVID-19.

The CT scanner in the container will be Canon Medical's latest 80-slice CT scanner (repetitive), Aquilion Lightning / Helios i Edition. This CT scanner features cutting-edge image reconstruction technology utilising AI which provides advanced diagnostic capabilities to ensure excellent image quality at lower exposure dose.

The container itself is an ISO-compliant container which is suitable for both land and sea transport. A CT scanner, an examination room with X-ray shielding, and a changing room for patients are all installed in the compact 40-foot container. In addition, the container can be mounted on a trailer and transported anywhere. The medical container CT system can be quickly and easily installed near a hospital and provides safe examination immediately.

Canon Medical Systems will continue to develop total solutions for medical diagnosis, such as the medical container CT system equipped with measures to prevent the spread of infectious disease, diagnostic X-ray systems, diagnostic ultrasound systems, and rapid genetic testing systems, in order to support medical professionals and all other parties who are working to control the COVID-19 pandemic.

[About Sansei Corporation]
Sansei Corporation is an engineering company which was established in 1994. Its main business is designing, constructing, and providing consultation services for high-level medical facilities and rooms equipped with specialised medical equipment, such as operating rooms and intensive care units. Following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Sansei started development and commercialisation of MC-Cube (a medical container module). Sansei is committed to providing disaster-resistant medical facilities in order to contribute to society in Japan and other countries.
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